Northern Corridor Improvements
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Riley was engaged as a specialist landfill advisor for the Rosedale Closed Landfill remediation works as part of the Northern Corridor Improvements Project.
The overall project by Waka Kotahi involves $700 million improvements to the corridor – SH1 Northern Motorway, Northern Busway and shared use path. A substantial length of the corridor cuts through the closed landfill.
Riley’s role was to help develop detailed design and methodology for building the new clay liner on the western extent of the landfill.
Our work included:
developing and implementing a methodology for the continued function of the landfill infrastructure
designing landfill reinstatement works in the corridor’s vicinity
advising the construction team on safe protocols for building works
helping to prepare Asset Owner Approval documentation
providing oversight for works in the landfill during construction
developing closeout documentation for completed works.
Riley’s response included preparing Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) for a series of detailed site investigations and excavation works.
The following tasks were carried out:
risk assessments for landfill gas
landfill waste assessment and investigation and construction monitoring
implementation of Class A asbestos works
LFG monitoring
leachate monitoring and management
visual inspections of waste materials to estimate waste density.
The detailed and stringent controls in the SWMS gave Auckland Council the confidence to allow the intrusive works to proceed with Asset Owner Approvals.